C-TPAT Certification

C-TPAT certification is granted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to companies that enroll in the C-TPAT program, and thereby commit to implementing security measures that guarantee that a product or shipment that enters the United States cannot be altered or used by third parties, in order to prevent terrorist activities or acts that endanger the integrity and security of the United States. 

This anti-terrorist initiative of U.S. Customs and Border Protection obliges the industry to take concrete, concerted steps to ensure that commercial cargo does not contain any illegal or undisclosed substances, such as weapons, drugs or explosives. It can only be issued by the U.S. agency and candidates for certification must meet the following nine security criteria: 

  1. Physical security of facilities 

2. Requirements for business partners

3. Security of containers and trucks

4. Physical access controls

5. Staff security

6. Process security

7. Physical security

8. Information technology security

9. Security and threat awareness training