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Shipments which originate or terminate in border areas are subject to special requirements (to be fulfilled on requesting service):

  • Shipments bound for the border and deposited at a point of sale require an original and a copy of an official identification (voter ID or valid passport), as well as an invoice or remittance note (Articles 29A and 29B of the Mexican Federal Tax Code). 
  • All customers must declare that their shipment does not contain any of the prohibited articles indicated in the Price List to which they have had access or the Service Contract which they have signed. 

If the truck that transports such shipments is subject to review by the authorities, delivery may be delayed up to 24 hours. All shipments from the border or free zones (including returns) require an original version of the import permit, invoice or remittance note (Articles 29A and 29B of the Mexican Federal Tax Code). The customer is responsible for the release of shipments from the border authorities. If the truck that transports such shipments is subject to review by the authorities, delivery may be delayed up to 24 hours. 

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By {{ `${post.author.first_name} ${post.author.last_name}` }}

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{{ post.category[0].name }}

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